I hate competing against others. It always makes me nervous and I tend to think that I'm doing everything wrong while they are doing everything perfectly. This is mostly why I don't play any sports (competitively, anyway) and if I do, I'm constantly laughing so that if I make a mistake, it looks like it's because I was acting playful and humorous. Basically, I'm a perfectionist. If I'm doing something, I have to be both confident and really good at it for me to think it's worth even a sliver of my time (this doesn't apply to homework- only hobbies and things I choose to do on my own). And after that, I have to keep on doing it because no, I don't like competing against others, but you better believe I'll compete against myself. ![]() So now you're thinking how this relates to baking, a seemingly happy and fluffy, if you will, sort of activity. Well, let me tell you. I am not a baker (or a chef, or anything else remotely culinary related), although I'd like to be. I'd like to be able to whip up a batch of whatever I want whenever I want! But I'm not. Which means this cupcakes could've easily gone terribly wrong (I really haven't baked that much in my life). I wanted to try something new and especially fun since no matter what you do, there is no earthly way to not get, at minimum, a mediocre sweet treat out of them. And these, fortunately, were much better than mediocre! To be honest, I don't think bakers get enough credit. They have to measure things out exactly and make sure they have all the right ingredients, and then whatever the baking subject is must be fluffy and airy and in the oven for the right amount of time.... and then there's the whole other process of making frosting. I did enjoy it, though. There was something organized about it that made it fun for me, and mixing things together was therapeutic. The best part was watching everything come together toward the end, although I became really engrossed in the process and I thought I absolutely needed a piping bag (which, with my limited baking experience, I did not possess), so I just worked with a regular freezer bag, snipping off a little corner with a pair of kitchen scissors like the professional that I most definitely am. ![]() Originally, we were going to make 12 small vanilla cupcakes, but then we decided we'd make 6 big vanilla ones with room for 6 other chocolate ones (because variety!). At the request of my dad, I made a strawberry frosting (I think that chocolate and vanilla frosting can get a bit boring anyway), which ended up being really interesting because I used real strawberries to make it which gave it a nice, tangy flavor. I still find it interesting how you can put some ingredients together and heat them up really hot to make desserts. It's literally like chemistry that you can eat! I don't think people are appreciative enough of that (it's okay, they're just focused on the sugary-ness). It's nice how there's something in baking for everybody, and I'm definitely going to experiment with some more treats! If you're like me, and you tend to just stick to things that you know, take a chance and try something different once in a while! I'm sure it'll result in something pretty sweet. If you'd like to check out the recipes I used, here they are:
Happy Baking! thanks for reading & leave a comment!
Another Little Bordie
4/2/2018 09:24:27 am
It really is! It’s very relaxing and there’s such a variety of what you can do so it’s great for beginners like me. It’s nice to branch out your interests.
Another Little Birdie
4/2/2018 10:43:17 am
That’s so cool! Grandmothers are always great chefs for anything- but my family hasn’t really done so much baking so I’ve made some basic stuff. Next time will be more of a challenge for myself haha!! :)
4/2/2018 11:30:05 am
Hi Birdie, I thinking baking is a really therapeutic activity, I too enjoy doing some elementary level baking, so I can totally relate.
Another Little Birdie
4/2/2018 04:16:10 pm
Thank you so much for noticing! I spent a lot of time on the theme. :)
4/2/2018 11:33:42 am
I can completely relate to you on the competition thing! In fact I did the exact same when playing sports! These look amazing, definitely going to give them a try! Loved reading this
Another Little Birdie
4/2/2018 04:17:52 pm
Yay! Let me know how they turn out if you do give them a try. I’m so glad you could relate to the post- I’m a complete mess when you put me up against others (especially in athletic ability haha)!! Thank you for commenting :)
These look so yummy! I used to really not like baking, just because you spend so much time on it only to have it eaten and gone in a matter of hours but I'm starting to get into it a lot more and I actually really enjoy it now! Thanks for sharing the recipes! :-)
Another Little Birdie
4/2/2018 04:59:38 pm
You’re welcome! I totally understand, it’s like there’s no lasting reward of all your effort. I think the fun is really in the process though, so it’s fine haha! Thank you for commenting, Annie :)
Another Little Birdie
4/2/2018 08:31:25 pm
I’m always jealous of them too! But I think if you can help them out in the kitchen, you can probably do it yourself too! Give it a try :)
4/3/2018 06:33:36 am
These look so yummy! I find baking really relaxing and it can be fun to experiment sometimes :)
Another Little Birdie
4/3/2018 10:59:33 am
Yes, it's definitely a stress reliever! Stirring things is especially relaxing for me, and the sugary desserts are always a plus haha! Thanks for coming around, Alys :)
4/3/2018 04:29:16 pm
Seriously, those cupcakes look so delisious. Mmmm.... Here is to you for trying new things in life, for allowing yourself to potetially fail (even though you didn't) and to attempting things that could go wrong even as a perfectionist. I know how you feel. For many years I wouldn't TOUCH a board game, because it meant I had to play and potentially lose. Today I feel better about it, I've realized that losing doesn't affect WHO I am and what I am worth. Thanks for sharing this post.
Another Little Birdie
4/3/2018 06:44:31 pm
Aw thanks so much, your comment put a smile on my face! I think understanding self-worth is so so important and realizing that failure doesn't define you is super necessary. Thank you for taking the time to read my post :)
Another Little Birdie
4/3/2018 06:45:16 pm
If I can do it, you can!! Thanks for reading, Kat :)
Another Little Birdie
4/3/2018 06:47:44 pm
I always feel like in baking, things tend to look better than they taste- but these definitely were good!! Thanks for visiting, Jessica ☺️
4/3/2018 06:38:18 pm
Those turned out great! I'm not much of a baker either, though I do love to cook!
Another Little Birdie
4/3/2018 06:50:25 pm
Oh cooking is a whole other realm of amazingness!! I haven't cooked much yet but the goal is to master my favorite foods and the basic stuff, then work from there. Maybe I'll have a post up for when I cook something interesting! Thanks for the new idea haha :)
4/3/2018 10:52:42 pm
These look sooooo good! Baking is such an art and something I wish I was better at! Thanks for sharing!
Another Little Birdie
4/4/2018 12:17:06 pm
Thank you for reading! I wish I was better at baking too- that's why I made these cupcakes. Practice makes perfect! You should try them out too, these weren't too terribly hard :)
4/4/2018 02:14:22 pm
These look super tasty, and I love the idea of using real strawberries to create a slightly different taste! I wish I baked more often, but I’m useless at it if I’m honest - I guess practice makes perfect.. 🙊
Another Little Birdie
4/4/2018 02:33:35 pm
They were! Real fruit always makes a difference, really. I'm trying to take on new hobbies so I thought baking would be a good one to try out... the basic stuff isn't all that bad haha :)
Another Little Birdie
4/4/2018 02:37:56 pm
I've heard so much about The Great British Bake Off! Cooking shows are always fun and so inspiring- I recently watched one called the Big Family Cooking Showdown or something but it was really unique! They had families cooking together instead of just a single person. I liked it a lot. Thanks for commenting :)
4/4/2018 02:26:15 pm
Ooooh these look so good! Loving their look and they must taste amazing! I love cupcakes but I am the worse person for the icing ahah! xx corinne
Another Little Birdie
4/4/2018 02:41:17 pm
Oh don't worry, I didn't even have a piping bag and I managed to get them looking okay haha!!
Another Little Birdie
4/4/2018 02:43:49 pm
I honestly am baffled how someone was just able to come up with cake! Like it's so genius haha!! I'd love to see how they turn out if you do try them :)
Another Little Birdie
4/4/2018 02:47:35 pm
You definitely should, it's super fun :)
Another Little Birdie
4/4/2018 03:16:36 pm
Yup, it's so satisfying when others enjoy what you've made :)
4/4/2018 04:06:15 pm
I'm a perfectionist too, and feel the exact same way as you.. It's quite annoying to be honest lol
Another Little Birdie
4/4/2018 05:48:42 pm
Haha it is annoying to always be so honest with yourself!! But it helps me make myself (and my cupcakes) better :)
4/4/2018 06:53:15 pm
They look delicious! Especially as you don't bake that often. That icing looks so good. You've got me craving cake now!x
Another Little Birdie
4/4/2018 08:18:08 pm
Thank you lots, Sophie!! They were really good. I’m always craving cake haha :)
4/4/2018 09:39:23 pm
These look delicious! I’m going to try to talk my son into making them with me.
Another Little Birdie
4/5/2018 10:47:00 am
Great! Baking is a fun family activity although I'm not sure I'd ever be able to get my brother to do it :)
4/6/2018 03:44:47 pm
Those look really good! I totally agree with you, people who bake definitely need to be given more credit! I’m not the best at it and it definitely takes me a lot of effort to come up with some perfectly baked cupcakes, haha! xx
Another Little Birdie
4/7/2018 12:06:44 pm
Yes, props to all the bakers out there! It definitely took a lot of work for me to make these, but it was manageable. Thanks for visiting, Huda :)
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